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Finale concours meilleurs sommelier de France 2024 Thuir



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The Bachelor

After being listed as intangible heritage of humanity by UNESCO in 2010, wine is now recognized and considered a heritage of French culture. Its importance, its omnipresence on French territory and its notoriety on the international scene push companies in the wine world to shake up their habits. Thus, the increase in the quality of the winemaker's welcome, the use of luxury codes and the constant association with gastronomy is increasingly part of the daily life of our winegrowers. 


 This Bachelor was built by the Institut Régional de Sommellerie Sud de France to meet the needs of professionals and the evolution of this rapidly changing market. 

Thus, Bachelor’s degree holders areversatile managers, experts in French wines and specialized in local and regional wines, capable of supporting professionals in the world of wine in the development of their activity. The triple specialization in luxury, gastronomy and wine tourism will be a real added value for building future success stories in the world of wine. 

Le tarif comprend : Une place assise pour la finale à partir de 13h30 + Un accès au cocktail exclusif aux Caves Byrrh à partir de 18h

Horaires :

- 13h30-17h30 - Finale médiatisée retranscrite en direct

- 18h00-23h00 - Cocktail dînatoire avec dégustation de vin aux Caves Byrrh inclus

Places limitées à 200 personnes

Rejoignez-nous pour une journée d'émotion, de passion et de découvertes sensorielles, où les trois finalistes du concours s'affronteront pour le titre tant convoité. Les places sont limitées, alors ne tardez pas à réserver votre billet pour vivre cet événement exceptionnel !


Finale meilleurs sommelier de France 202

De gauche à droite Bastien Debono, Clément Sommier et Quentin Vauléon, les 3 finalistes du concours du Meilleur Sommelier de France 2024

Credit photo@JeanBernard


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Partnaire concours meilleurs sommelier de France 2024
Partnaire concours meilleurs sommelier de France 2024
Partnaire concours meilleurs sommelier de France 2024
Partnaire concours meilleurs sommelier de France 2024
Partnaire concours meilleurs sommelier de France 2024
Les Aspres IRS Thuir
Pyrenees orientales IRS Thuir
Europe s engage  pour l'IRS Thuir
europe investit dans l'école de sommellerie

Projet cofinancé par le fond européen de développement régional

Partnaire concours meilleurs sommelier de France 2024
CIVR partenaire de la finale du concours de Meilleurs de France 2024 à Thuir
Partnaire concours meilleurs sommelier de France 2024

The Bachelor

After being listed as intangible heritage of humanity by UNESCO in 2010, wine is now recognized and considered a heritage of French culture. Its importance, its omnipresence on French territory and its notoriety on the international scene push companies in the wine world to shake up their habits. Thus, the increase in the quality of the winemaker's welcome, the use of luxury codes and the constant association with gastronomy is increasingly part of the daily life of our winegrowers. 


 This Bachelor was built by the Institut Régional de Sommellerie Sud de France to meet the needs of professionals and the evolution of this rapidly changing market. 

Thus, Bachelor’s degree holders areversatile managers, experts in French wines and specialized in local and regional wines, capable of supporting professionals in the world of wine in the development of their activity. The triple specialization in luxury, gastronomy and wine tourism will be a real added value for building future success stories in the world of wine. 

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Crédit : ©CIVR-Saint.ephotographie


Partnaire concours meilleurs sommelier de France 2024
Partnaire concours meilleurs sommelier de France 2024
Partnaire concours meilleurs sommelier de France 2024
Partnaire concours meilleurs sommelier de France 2024
Partnaire concours meilleurs sommelier de France 2024
Partnaire concours meilleurs sommelier de France 2024
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Merci pour votre envoi !

Location IRS Thuir Cave Byrrh
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Qualiopi wine training

"The quality certification was issued under the following category(ies) of action:


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Les Aspres IRS Thuir
Eastern Pyrenees IRS Thuir
Europe commits to IRS Thuir
europe invests in sommelier school

Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund

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